Expecting too little
The twins, Alex and Brett Harris, over at The Rebelution have recently written an excellent new post entitled, My First Shower Nearly Killed Me. Now, it's not at all crazy, though the title might be a bit different! It's all about how our culture expects too little of teens theses days. We "get by with the basics", instead of striving for excellence.
The post is very entertaining to read, but very convicting as well. How often do we, as they talk about, simply label ourselves as not "that type of person" in a certain area, instead of striving to get better at it? Granted, different people are gifted different ways, but does that mean that we should just stop trying at whatever isn't that easy for us?
I struggle in this area a lot. Especially in the area of communication. I all too often say "well, I'm just naturally shy," or "But I'm just not a people person!" Even though some people seem to be born with a gift to be outgoing, and others, including myself, lean toward the withdrawn side, it's no excuse for not communicating! I've come a ways from where I was a few years ago... Having really good friends helps one open up somewhat, but I've still a ways to go. I especially am trying to work on carrying on good conversations with people, even if I don't know them well, and trying to reach out a little more to shyer people, like myself! I know how it feels to be overlooked or passed by because I am quiet, or in other cases, just not popular, so I try a little more to talk to those who just kinda meld into the background.
Like I said, I've still have a lot to learn in the art of conversing, and would appreciate your prayers! I especially have a hard time talking with young men or in front of groups, things like that are just plain scary sometimes! But, through God's grace I am learning, and this post really helped define a few things, like why us teens tend to settle for less.
Hats off to the twins for another excellently written post! Go and read the whole thing!
The post is very entertaining to read, but very convicting as well. How often do we, as they talk about, simply label ourselves as not "that type of person" in a certain area, instead of striving to get better at it? Granted, different people are gifted different ways, but does that mean that we should just stop trying at whatever isn't that easy for us?
I struggle in this area a lot. Especially in the area of communication. I all too often say "well, I'm just naturally shy," or "But I'm just not a people person!" Even though some people seem to be born with a gift to be outgoing, and others, including myself, lean toward the withdrawn side, it's no excuse for not communicating! I've come a ways from where I was a few years ago... Having really good friends helps one open up somewhat, but I've still a ways to go. I especially am trying to work on carrying on good conversations with people, even if I don't know them well, and trying to reach out a little more to shyer people, like myself! I know how it feels to be overlooked or passed by because I am quiet, or in other cases, just not popular, so I try a little more to talk to those who just kinda meld into the background.
Like I said, I've still have a lot to learn in the art of conversing, and would appreciate your prayers! I especially have a hard time talking with young men or in front of groups, things like that are just plain scary sometimes! But, through God's grace I am learning, and this post really helped define a few things, like why us teens tend to settle for less.
Hats off to the twins for another excellently written post! Go and read the whole thing!
At 6:27 PM, May 02, 2006,
une_fille_d'Ève said…
I especially have a hard time talking with young men or in front of groups, things like that are just plain scary sometimes!
I could have written that! :-) I used to especially be scared to death of speaking in front of people. I still don't relish the thought, but after some practice and a public speaking class, I certainly feel a lot more confident, and even enjoy it at times.
I also don't really enjoy large social settings, especially with people I don't really know. Go up and introduce myself to someone and carry on a conversation? Yeah right! I have thankfully improved some over the years due to being a coach, being in college, gaining confidence with age, and other such circumstances, but it's still always a struggle and I'm usually happy when I'm back alone in my room. Like you, I've realized that it's something that I need to work on. However, being the shyer person is not all bad. God made us each the way we are for a purpose. Some things come from our sinful nature and need to be changed, but some things are part of who we are and just need to be used in the right way. I'm certainly glad we aren't all outgoing or all shy! We need talkers and listeners, people to be the center of attention and people to watch. We can also, as you said, sympathize with people as awkward or more awkward feeling than us and reach out to them.
Thank you for the reminder to strive for excellence instead of getting by with the basics!
At 6:54 AM, May 03, 2006,
The Patriot said…
We are so similiar in this way, Anna! I also loved this post. The rebelution never fails to hit home and inspire me with all their posts!!!
At 10:26 AM, May 03, 2006,
Anna Naomi said…
I know Jen, the Rebelution is a great website!
And for clarification, I wasn't trying to say that talkers are better than listeners, we certainly do need them both, and some people are one or the other! I'm just hoping to work better on conversational skills... not being scared to death!
At 4:11 PM, May 03, 2006,
une_fille_d'Ève said…
And for clarification on my part, I completely knew you weren't saying that talkers are better than listeners! I understand that you were merely addressing the area in which you feel you are lacking.
At 5:32 PM, May 03, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Good post. I read their most recent post, too, and I enjoyed it and thought it was convicting, too.
At 4:03 AM, May 20, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
At 4:05 AM, May 20, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
At 4:09 AM, May 20, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.
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