The end is in sight!
I am almost done with this year's schoolwork, and then freedom for a while! :-) I'm sure I'll find plenty to do though... I finished Chemistry on Wednesday, and World History on Friday! I finished English 11 a couple weeks ago, so now all I have left is Algebra 2. I'm scheduled to finish that the end of May, but if I double up days, I could be done earlier! We'll just have to see how busy I am. It's exciting, because next year I probably won't be doing any more math, and for the other subjects, mom and dad will find books they think I should read or listen to on tape, and I'll do those instead of more textbooks. I think I'll learn more from doing that, then doing more textbooks, where the information is repeated quite a bit! I'll also probably be involved in more things, such as teaching ballet, and taking piano, voice, and I don't know what else! The year ahead looks exciting!
This summer will prove to be quite busy, from the looks of it. I'm going to 2 camps this year, Ballet's Magnficat's Summer Intensive, and Heroes of Today Challenge Week. They are back-to-back, so don't expect to hear from me much in July! I am looking forward to them, yet it is kinda scary, as the intensive, especially, will be quite rigorous! It will be fun to learn more dance and technique, however, so that I can glorify God even more with dance!
This summer will prove to be quite busy, from the looks of it. I'm going to 2 camps this year, Ballet's Magnficat's Summer Intensive, and Heroes of Today Challenge Week. They are back-to-back, so don't expect to hear from me much in July! I am looking forward to them, yet it is kinda scary, as the intensive, especially, will be quite rigorous! It will be fun to learn more dance and technique, however, so that I can glorify God even more with dance!
At 1:13 PM, May 15, 2006,
Anonymous said…
So you are going to be taking piano next year? That's wonderful!
At 2:04 PM, May 15, 2006,
Anna Naomi said…
I'll probably be taking piano... we haven't found a teacher yet, but daddy really wants me to! It would probably be fun too.
At 5:18 PM, May 15, 2006,
Anna Naomi said…
No, I'm not teaching voice, I'm taking voice! I guess I didn't make that clear! I'll be teaching ballet! I'll go edit the post and make that clear...
At 5:54 PM, May 15, 2006,
Susan said…
It's exciting, because next year I probably won't be doing any more math. . .
This must be a typo! How could it be exciting that you probably won't be doing any more math??? I'm having a hard time comprehending that. *thinks deeply*
I'll have to contemplate such a novel notion while deriving the quadratic formula for fun. If that doesn't do the trick, I may pull out my college math textbooks (where the lines in geometry were half-circles). I'll get back with you ;).
At 6:00 PM, May 15, 2006,
Anna Naomi said…
:-) lol, Susan! I don't mind math... It's not extremely hard, and is sometimes interesting, but it seems to my parents and I that more than Algebra 2 won't really help me with what I'm hoping to do with my life! Much as dad tries to convince me, he hasn't come up with a way to pertain advanced math to ballet! :-) Not all of us like math like you do.... :-) hehe!
At 5:26 AM, May 16, 2006,
The Patriot said…
Congratulations Anna! That's really exciting. I have been thinking a lot lately how I would much rather cook and clean than sit down and engage my mind in math in logic. But I will be doing school over the summer since I'll have (quiet!!!) time to study at the University after dance classes. I don't really mind, because I also really need to catch up.
How exciting to move on to more reading and artsy things!
At 10:21 AM, May 16, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Glad you are almost done! We are enjoying the beginning of our summer vacation. Last week Danielle learned how to ride a two wheel bike without training wheels...and she had her first bike accident! Her legs are all scraped up, poor girl!
We look forward to seeing you in June! Thanks for the anniversary e-card!
At 11:55 AM, May 16, 2006,
Susan said…
You don't need a reason to continue in math :). It's just really good brain exercise and downright fun. I like math because it displays God's love of order and beauty. I don't need to read classical literature either, but it's good for the brain, and it too reveals bits of God's truths :). My best friend never went beyond Algebra 1, btw, and I haven't cast her off yet ;), so not to worry; I'll still visit your blog. I'm just having fun ;).
At 1:39 PM, May 16, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Did you do Geometry? Algebra I and Algebra II? Do you do Pre Cal?
I didn't do Pre Cal in High School and I regretted that. I thought I knew FOR SURE where I would graduate from college but that changed 3 TIMES.
To graduate from UAH, (and I haven't yet) I had to take Pre Cal IN COLLEGE without having taken it in HS. So we ended up PAYING for a College Algebra class just because I hadn't had Pre Cal in HS. I would be farther in my degree if I had had Pre Cal in HS.
It's up to you but I never would have guessed I needed Pre Cal in college for a Bachelor of Communication Arts Degree.
When I was 18, I was CERTAIN how my life would go for the next 4 years but kept changing. I know I "live life without a degree now" but I will go back one day. May HAVE to if something happened to Ron.
At 2:41 PM, May 16, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I took Calculus in Highschool, but didn't need it for my degree (Cross-Cultural Services). I only had to take a general math class in college for my degree. I guess it just depends on the college and what they require for each degree.
At 6:04 PM, May 16, 2006,
Anna Naomi said…
I don't know... I'll talk to daddy again. I'm about to finish Saxon Algebra 2... I could go on to Advanced Mathematics, which is probably like pre-cal since Calculus is next in line. Saxon, I'm pretty sure combines Geography and the like, since I work with figures, and graphing, and trigonometry, and logarithms ect. Maybe I'll do it.. I do like the brain exercise, like you say, Susan! :-) With all the lessons daddy has planned for me though, I don't know if I'll have time. Surprisingly enough though, today thinking of doing no more math after Algebra 2 almost saddened me! :-) Isn't that weird? hehe!
At 6:05 PM, May 16, 2006,
Susan said…
Hmmm. I seem to have a remarkable knack for turning the comment section of a blog post into a tangent :). It's an acquired skill.
A lot of (or most) bachelor's degrees do require Pre-Calculus or Statistics. Now, mine required quite a few more math courses than that, since it was Math Education, after all ;).
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